Tuesday, October 14, 2008

26 Feng Shui Secrets/How to Apply Feng Shui to 26 Areas Of Your Life & Home

Secret 1 - The Front Door
Secret 2 - The Living Room
Secret 3 - The Bedroom
Secret 4 - The Dining Room
Secret 5 - The Kitchen
Secret 6 - Bathrooms
Secret 7 - Watch Your Back! <---Great Office Feng Shui Secret!
Secret 8 - Overhead Beams
Secret 9 - Repair & Replace
Secret 10 - Your Pets
Secret 11 - Clean, Organize & Smudging
Secret 12 - Flowing Water
Secret 13 - Your Personal Lucky Colors
Secret 14 - Lucky Objects
Secret 15 - Your Personal Directions
Secret 16 - The PaKua
Secret 17 - Increase Your Wealth
Secret 18 - Love & Romance
Secret 19 - Health & Family
Secret 20 - Mentors
Secret 21 - Knowledge & Education
Secret 22 - All About the Kid's
Secret 23 - Fame
Secret 24 - Discovering Your Personal Element
Secret 25 - A Few Precautions <--- Pay Attention to this one!
Secret 26 - Your Personal Kua Number <--- Most Important Element!

Click the link below to continue reading! You will not regret it!